Red Clover
Kenland, Quinquelli, Oregon
Red clover is effective as a pasture legume and for hay. It can withstand more shading in the seedling stage than most other legumes, making it easy to establish together with grass.
Red clover is most productive on soils of medium to high fertility levels with a soil ph of 5.5 or higher with good internal drainage. It is better than alfalfa at tolerating and growing on soils of low ph and low fertility with poor drainage.
You can seed red clover in late summer or early autumn. This usually increases total yield for red clover during its lifetime as compared with spring or winter seedlings.
Kenland red clover was released several years ago. It has good resistance to southern anthracnose. It has superior yielding ability over most other variants and has a longer life than common red clover. It reportedly has more resistance to crown and root rots than seed originating from the northern United States.
Quinquelli was released in South America and has been performing well under South African conditions.
- -Effective as a pasture legume and for hay
-Massive contribution to silage yield
-High clover content in the sward
-Significant increase in total output