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Bry Beans
CAP 2000
Speckled Sugar Bean (Cranberry) - Cap 2000 has an indeterminate growth habit with a few short and upright branches. It is also known to grow after flowering. It has a growth season of approximately 100 days. In every 50 grams of product there are 10 seeds.
It is moderately susceptible to lodging with a good resistance to shattering. It is also moderately resistant to rust.
It is important to note that the seed shape is more oval than kidney.
CAP 2000 has a yield potential of 4 my plus per hectare.
- - Growth habit: Indeterminate. Few short and Upright branches, grow after flowering.
- Growing Season: Approx 100 - 110 days
- Mass: 10 seeds per 50 g
- Rust: Moderately resistant
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