Dormancy group 6
AURORA is intermediate in appearance with a growth habit that is moderatly erect than that of similar varieties, with slightly thicker stems. Its flower colour is predominantly purplemauve with a low proportion of variegation.
AURORA was bred to incorporate resistance to the spotted alfalfa aphid, the blue-green aphid, phytophthora root rot and colletotrichum crown rot into a cultivar adapted to the major lucerne growing areas. Spotted alfalfa and blue-green aphids have been shown to cause substantial yield losses in susceptible cultivars.
AURORA is a general purpose variety suited to both haymaking and grazing situations.
Dormancy group 6-7
Your fields deserve the best! CAPSIX6/7 has a very fast regrowth after each cutting. This variety has a very early startup after winter and a high content of digestible proteins. CAPSIX6/7 has a dormancy of 6-7 and has a high winter hardiness. It also has good summer drought tolerance.
CAPSIX6/7 has a very high production potential. It produces high quality forage with a high leaf to stem ratio.

Dormancy group 10
CAPTEN10 is a Winter-active variety generally growing right through the winter period.
CAPTEN10 has vigorous seedlings which can be an advantage in early winter sowings. CAPTEN10 also has a longer harvesting season, fast regrowth and high overall production during the early years, so may suit shorter rotations.