Forage Sorghum
Big Chief BMR
This hybrid is a true “break through”. Combining both photo period sensitivity and brown midrib traits into one forage, makes this a near perfect hybrid forage sorghum.
The palatability of Big Chef is so high that cattle will eat the stems down to the soil if not managed well by cell grazing. It is possible to produce 40 or more leaves in a full season.
Brown Midrib (BMR) mutations in sorghum generally lower lignin content, resulting in increased fibre digestion with concomitant increased dry matter intake, and increased animal performance. This provides increased daily gains in milk and beef production.
A farmer in Humansdorp, Eastern Cape area confirmed that he gets 2l of milk extra per cow, per day when his cows feed on the Big Chief pastures. Palatability is much higher because of BMR gene.
Planting- Forage Sorghum must be planted once the soil temperature reaches 16 degrees C at 9 am and are rising at the sowing depth.
- First true photo period sensitive brown midrib forage hybrid
- Midrib forage hybrid
- Multi-purpose forage
- Unprecedented hybrid vigor
- Superior yield
- Outstanding lodging resistance
- Large stems and huge leaves
- Very high palatability
- Superb foliar disease resistance