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Fifty 50

Diploid Perennial Ryegrass

FIFTY 50 is the newest release from Capstone Seeds. It is bred from the top breeders in New Zealand. It is a diploid perennial which adds exceptional value to the basket of perennials already been distributed by Capstone Seeds, by producing high Autumn production.



Diploid Perennial Ryegrass

TACTIC is a hardy dense tillering diploid Perennial Ryegrass. TACTIC gets up and going early giving enhanced dry matter (DM) production early in the season, with great winter and early spring dry matter yields. TACTIC is very resilient and performs well under hard grazing. The attributes of TACTIC give superior animal performance and stagger free grazing of this variety as well as a hardy plant that will withstand hard grazing and persist very well.



Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass

MELROMI is a tetraploid perennial ryegrass with a medium early heading date. It is ideal for farmers wanting to achieve high livestock performance with high storking rates, as it produces very highv dry matter yields compared to other varieties.

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