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Superb qualities for drought resistance

SSR1 Rye possesses superb qualities of drought resistance with the ability to actively grow under extreme winter temperatures.


Another benefit is that when oversown on legume crops it has a much higher protein level.


SSR1 grows fast under cold conditions and will become stalky when weather conditions warm up in spring and thus will not set the Kikuyu back. It is recommended for later plantings – April through to June as its quicker to first grazing, and will produce more bulk in the June/July months especially if supplementary irrigation is available. Because of this, rye is recommended for planting after maize silage has been removed. SSR1 is not a stooling rye. 

Southern Green

Quick short duration rye

SOUTHERN GREEN is a quick and short duration rye. It has excellent cold tolerance with an up- right growth pattern, unlike Stooling Rye. It is a spring type variety with late planting - March/ April/May. This allows for quick grazing, it is also highly palatable.


It is recommended that you drill at 35kg/ha and broadcast at 75kg/ha. It can even be used over Kikuyu when broadcast.


It is important to avoid planting too early or it may go to seed before winter. 



Quick duration rye

SSR-727 is referred to as a spring type in that they need an increase in day length and rising 
temperature to get them to seed. Unlike the 
stooling rye, SSR-727 has a straight upgrowth habit.


​Early plantings can be grazed within 42 - 49 days. Strip and rotational grazing practices 
optimise yield. The grain has a crude protein 
of 13%, which occurs upon flowering.

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