White Hybrid Maize
CAP 341
CAP 341 NG is a highly reliable short season hybrid, having good germination and seedling emergence properties, resulting in good plant stands. Good pollen to silk synchronisation results in good pollination even under drought stress conditions.
CAP 341 NG is very suitable for home consumption, both as a green mealie and mealie meal for porridge due to its large kernel size.
It has a white, large Dent Grain and is early to medium maturing. It has good germination and seedling emergence leading to good plant stands. It has good resistance to Leaf Blight (Ht) and rust. It should not be grown in areas with heavy GLS infection. CAP 341 provides stable yields under drought stress conditions.It is good all-round performer but is not recommended for Kalahari sand soil types.
- -Early - medium maturing.
-Good germination.
-Stable Yields under drought stress conditions.
-Good resistance to Leaf Blight (Ht) and rust.