High energy feed
Multicut can be used for grazing, hay, silage or green chop and is excellent for dry matter production with a high protein and energy content.
This new hybrid was developed in the U.S.A. and tested in South Africa.
Multicut has been bred to surpass many of the existing hybrids in dry matter production, protein and energy content, disease and drought tolerance. It also has rapid re-growth under heavy grazing and unfavourable growing conditions.

MULTIGRAZE can be used for grazing, hay, silage or green chop and is excellent for dry matter production with a high protein and energy content.
MULTIGRAZE does not grow as fast as Multicut but grows taller. It’s leaves will also stay greener for longer and will yield higher per hectare than Multicut.

Sweetfeed Super
Sweet Sorghum x Sweet Sorghum
Sweetfeed is a vigorous three way cross hybrid forage sorghum. It is a full season maturity hybrid with will reach 3 meters upon maturity. The high leaf to stem ratio of this hybrid allows for high yields with increased palatability. This hybrid has also proven to have excellent root and stalk strength which gives it tremendous standability even under drought stress.
Sweetfeed is a sorghum cross suitable for silage and grazing in winter.

Big Chief BMR
Break through hybrid
This hybrid is a true “break through”. Combining both photo period sensitivity and brown midrib traits into one forage, makes this a near perfect hybrid forage sorghum.
The palatability of BIG CHEIF is so high that cattle will eat the stems down to the soil if not managed well by cell grazing. It is possible to produce 40 or more leaves in a full season.